Bird of Paradise
The Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia Nicolai) is a beautiful plant to help anchor your room or outdoor patio area. With broad fan-like leaves, the Bird of Paradise is a splendid and hearty houseplant. This beauty is found inside and out in San Diego and is a favorite houseplant.
This Bird of Paradise will continue to grow taller and produce billowing leaves on long stems, so purchasing a solid container to anchor it is essential. This Bird of Paradise is sold in the original nursery container, so we highly recommend you purchase a new container, particularly one with a pre-drilled drain hole and saucer. Look at our pots & planters collection at the Gemstone cylinder from Momma Pots or the colorful collection from Chive. Each has pre-drilled drainage holes that will make your Bird of Paradise happy. Our staff will gladly plant your new Bird of Paradise in your chosen container.
Place your Bird of Paradise where it can get plenty of sunshine or diffused bright light. Water weekly in spring/summer and every other in winter.
To make it easy, we will even deliver it to your door.
Bright, Indirect Light
Not recommended for homes with pets.