Long-Stem Rose Bouquet
Captivate their heart with the timeless beauty of our European-style hand-wrapped Long-Stem Roses Bouquet from Green Fresh Florals + Plants. Crafted by our talented San Diego designers, each bouquet features premium Ecuadorian roses meticulously wrapped in vibrant tissue and butcher paper and finished with an elegant grosgrain ribbon – the perfect touch to make anyone feel cherished.
Available Colors:
- Red Rose: Classic and passionate, symbolizing true love and romance.
- White Rose: Pure and elegant, representing innocence and new beginnings.
- Pink Rose: Gentle and sweet, perfect for expressing admiration and gratitude.
- Coral Rose: Warm and vibrant, ideal for celebrating friendship and joy.
- Blush Rose: Soft and romantic, embodying grace and gentleness.
- Yellow Ombre Rose: Bright and cheerful, conveying happiness and optimism.
Bouquet Sizes:
- Six Roses: A delightful token of affection.
- Twelve Roses: A classic expression of love.
- Twenty-Four Roses: A grand gesture for unforgettable moments.
Customization Options:
Personalize your gift with a heartfelt card, and let our professional delivery service bring this exquisite bouquet straight to their door, ensuring a delightful surprise.
Show your love and appreciation with the sophisticated charm of our Long-Stem Rose Bouquet – a stunning gift for any occasion.
Select from 6, 12 and 24 roses.