If you're a lover of plants and social media like we are, the two meet on Instagram. In this post, we profile 20 Must-Follow Plant Instagrammers worth considering adding to your Instagram feed. It is a community of plant lovers sharing their passion, one Instagram at a time. We spent some time recently looking through #hashtags to identify some of our favorites to share. If you are like us, you love a great picture of a beautiful plant to bring joy to your day. When you want a break from social media, and you're ready for a taste of the real thing, come see us at our Hillcrest plant and flower shop. Meanwhile, we invite you to follow our Instagram feed @greenflorals.
Here are some of the best plant-focused accounts worth following on Instagram.
1. sweetyoxalis
A quick search for the hashtag, #plantsmakepeoplehappy, yields the account of @SweetyOxalis, a concept store based in Paris. Justine, who runs the Instagram feed, is passionate about plants. She makes it her mission to share with followers not only beautifully photographed plants but also tips and tricks about how to take care of those plants.
2. botanicalsandbillie

This adorable account, @botanicalsandbillie is just one of the many results you can get using the quick Instagram search icon. Anne lives in Barcelona, Spain, and she's aiming to build an urban jungle and bring the beauty of plants to her city and many followers.
3. boyswithplants
For stunning eye-candy of the masculine kind, you will reap a bounty with the Boyswithplants Instagram page. Loaded with #plantporn, it is dedicated solely to bringing their 195K+ followers pictures of sexy boys with plants, most half-naked. It's that simple, and we love it. The account is so popular they published a book of the most popular images.
4. botanicalwomen
The equivalent of #boyswithplants this account focuses on adorable and beautiful pictures of women and plants. Their more than 35k followers are sure to get their fill of plant inspiration from more than 600 posts of plants. And women.
5. tropicaloco
If you're looking for some design ideas, look no further than Tropica Loco. The account shows off a multitude of hot-climate plants, perfect for your San Diego home.
6. epicgardening

Since founding the epic gardening website as a hobby in 2013, Kevin Espiritu has grown Epic Gardening in all its various ways to reach millions of aspiring gardeners in over 100 countries around the world. An urban gardener based down the street from us in San Diego, Kevin produces an endless amount of content, from blog posts to video tutorials, all about growing your own food, keeping your houseplants alive, preventing pests, diseases, and other problems from killing your green friends. He offers a blend of humor, science, and nature and delivers it beautifully and with enthusiasm.
7. theplantsociety

Established in August 2016 by Jason Chongue and Nathan Smith, The Plant Society was born from a passion to green their city of Melbourne, Australia and they have never looked back. They have expanded their online empire with custom-designed planters and gardening products, a flagship retail outlet (also home to the stunning Franc Flowers who you should also follow on Instagram), and they are authors of two books, the self-titled "The Plant Society" and their latest "Green-Plants for Small Spaces, Indoors and Out," available from our online book collection.
8. francflowers
While technically not a "plant" Instagram profile, Franc Flowers is too stunning not to include in our list. Their arrangements are extraordinary, their images exceptional and their style impeccable. Bring some beauty to your Instagram feed by adding this incredible florist based in Australia to your feed.
9. houseplantclub

With an Instagram following of more than 600,000, Morgan Doane and Erin Harding, creators of the Houseplant Club have a built-in audience ready to embrace this book. But you don't get a following of fans like they have amassed without being acutely aware of what your audience wants and the knowledge about how to deliver it to them. The authors translate their social media savvy, love of plants, and talent communicating into this book which will reward those who choose to invest the time reading following their feed.
10. tulahouse
A moody take on plants, the dark color scheme of this account might not shout "Spring is coming" but it sure does soothe our need for plant photos. The imagery is spectacular, and you could easily lose hours staring at the wall of them.
11. fernandfloret
Quite the opposite of Tula House, @FernandFloret is a light, airy plant account that will have you dreaming of soft summer mornings. Roses and intriguing flowers abound and are the center of each dreamy design. The designer behind the pictures is a Twin Cities local that works in all areas of plant and floral design.
12. asucculentday
If you're a lover of succulents, (and really who can resist them?), then the @asucculentday account is just what you need in your day. Martha is a plant designer and artist who specializes in home design with succulent arrangements.
13. plantsindecor
If you're looking for some #plantdesign or #nteriordesignideas to celebrate the coming spring, @plantsindecor has you covered. Indoor gardens and outdoor urban installations combine to create a truly beautiful page for inspiration.
14. freedomandsimplebeauty
If simplicity is your thing, check out the adorable concrete planters by @freedomandsimplebeauty. The tiny planters and the plants in them create some serious ooh-and-ahh moments and will give you #homeandgardening goals of your own.
15. #monsteramonday
These almighty hashtags deliver perfectly for lovers of plants #plantaddict, #urbanjugle, and #plantdaddy but our favorite is #monsteramonday. Ode to one of our favorite plants, the Monstera deliciosa. A perfect feed for those of us who can't get our fill. Find it by searching for #monsteramonday.
16. leafandjune
When it comes to #plantdesign and #interiordesignideas, Lisa knows what's up. The interior plant designer's account is not only chock-full of plant pictures, but she also gives her close to 12k followers ideas and tips on how to arrange plants yourself.
17. momagency
This self-described 'plant hoarder' sure knows how to create a beautiful balance between interior design and plenty of plants. Her take on interior houseplants has earned her more than 50k followers and the pictures never disappoint.
18. plantsandcollecting
The plant-lover behind @plantsandcollecting takes all her own pictures and has been a plant-lover all her life. Her home looks more like a jungle than a modern home, but we love every bit of it. There's sure to be plenty to satisfy your plant cravings here!
19. littleandlush
One of our favorites is Anna's account, @littleandlush. A haven of beautiful plant images and minimalist design, you're sure to find yourself staring at her page for hours. The stunning images of monstera variegata are some of the best we've seen yet.
20. drawingplantlady
To finish things off, we've got something a little different with @drawingplantlady. A beautiful collection of plants still...just in drawings! Kelly draws some quite unique and beautiful plants that have us wishing for more space on our walls. What goes better with plants in your home than drawings of plants on the wall?
Do you have a favorite #plantsofinstagram account? Let us know what Instagram plant accounts or #hashtags are part of your feed, and maybe we will do an update on this post.
Stay in touch with us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to get updates on the latest products and see what is new in our world. Meanwhile, come see us and grab yourself a new plant!