Fresh Peony Bouquet
Our Fresh Peony Bouquet delivers a mix of colorful peonies wrapped in white craft paper and finished with a fabric grosgrain ribbon. The regular option includes 10 peonies, while the deluxe includes 15 stems. As with all fresh flowers, cut the stems at the base when you get them home and refresh the water every other day to extend their life. Please read our blog article on Tricks Florists Use to Keep Flowers Alive Longer.
We offer same-day flower and plant delivery in San Diego. If you sending for a gift, don't forget to grab a card from our online greeting card collection and one of our staff will gladly write your note on the inside for you.
- Peonies wrapped in white craft paper
- Two sizes: 10 stems and 15 stems
- Ideal for a celebration, romantic gesture, or to enjoy their beauty
* Peony color may vary depending on seasonality